Friday, July 11, 2008

The son of Pastor Tom and Melissa has been injured in an accident. He has a fractured skull and is in intensive care in the hospital in his college town. Pastor Tom left this morning for a flight out of Edinburgh and should be at the hospital by tonight. Please pray for traveling mercies for Pastor Tom, healing for his son and peace and rest for the family members who are already at the hospital. Also, pray for us because we, of course, have lost a valued team leader.
Please pray too because we AGAIN have water issues. This time the hot water pump has frozen so no hot water. Also, last night the alarm malfunctioned twice and went off---one time at 6 am. But what we know is that we have the victory and we are obviously here to make a difference for the kingdom or we would not have this warfare.
The team is going to Edinburgh today for sightseeing all day. Please pray that everything we are leaving here will be protected and that we will have traveling mercies as we go. Most of the boys have already left with Lance to take Pastor Tom to the airport and we'll be leaving in about 15 minutes.
With love and MUCH appreciation for your prayers,
Pam for the team


Anonymous said...

I was just praying for the team this morning and I too feel the attacks coming early and often on you. DO NOT DESPAIR! You are on a holy mission that is bound to make a difference!It's funny how we can take peace in knowing that God is with us and our mission has special purpose in the midst of attacks. Hang tough and know you are being lifted up. Walk in the knowledge that you have a divine purpose! Blessings and hugs to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with the team. You ARE making a difference, and we appreciate YOU and what you're doing for the Kingdom.

tuffkel said...

Last night during cell group, the Lord reminded me that Melissa was originally a part of this team. How awesome of Him to call her off of the team so that she could be with Mason.

The Lord knows every detail of what will happen throughout the course of this mission The Tanner situation is just a nugget of proof that He is looking out for every detail. NOTHING comes as a surprise to Him! When the attacks of the enemy come throughout this mission, remember that God saw them coming.

Blessings to you all!

Anonymous said...

Each has been chosen. Continue to be faithful. You may not know the reason, don't look for it but receive it and be grateful. The enemy will try to steel and destroy your joy but remember Jesus it greater. I pray for protection around the camp, each camper, counselor, Tom Fraley, the worship team, and any of the volunteers. Each of you have an angel by your side. I'm not with you physically but my heart and prayer are.
Peace, grace and happy blessings,